How to Detect and Ditch Seed Oils While Grocery Shopping PDF
The health concerns linked to seed oils arise from their high levels of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, commonly referred to as PUFAs. PUFAs have a more fragile molecular structure due to their multiple double bonds. This characteristic makes them susceptible to oxidation, resulting in the creation of free radicals upon consumption or topical application. These free radicals can trigger inflammation and contribute to a number of health and hormone related diseases including cancer and autoimmune disorders.
For a healthier approach, it's important to be conscious of the types of fats you consume, we call them PUFA AWARE oils. Opting for oils with a more stable chemical structure can help reduce the risk of oxidative damage.
In this guide, we'll give you a list of high linoleic acid (high PUFA) seed oils that are commonly used in processed and prepared foods and marketed as "healthy oils" in grocery stores as well as how to identify seed oils on food labels. Equipped with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions about selecting packaged foods and cooking fats for yourself and your family. While it might seem overwhelming, rest assured, the process is actually quite straightforward.
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