The Kossma Promise
The Kossma Promise +

How We Stay Transparent

We Never

best tallow skincare- Kossma
Use harmful essential oils

Kossma does not use any harmful irritants or ingredients containing seed oils, synthetic, or filler oils in any of our products. We believe in saturated skincare that mimics the skin's natural biome, sustaining the body's natural state.

Compromise our values

Kossma is revolutionizing skincare. We are boldly stepping out of Unsaturated synthetic skincare that is sweeping the beauty industry, but Saturated skincare that mimics our skin's NATURAL biome, restoring our natural glow, with healthy animal fats and whole plant extracts.

Use products from factory farms

Kossma does not engage in harmful mono crop agriculture. We are dedicated to regenerative practices that restore nature, as it was intended. Regenerative skincare is Sustainable skincare, using farming techniques that actually create carbon negatives, rather than fictitious net zero claims, popular today.

We Do

best tallow skincare- Kossma
Proudly Use Tallow

Our products incorporate naturally occurring ingredients such as tallow, botanicals, and herbal extracts. We do not use lab grown or synthetic raw materials and we only work with organic animal products, ensuring the highest quality

Work With Nature

Kossma works with nature, using traditional distilling methods, rendering processes, and techniques known to ensure the integrity of the raw materials. Our apothecary and lab partners are dedicated to upholding these traditional extraction methods, while maintaining modern standards.

Believe that our skin can heal itself

Kossma empowers our customers to discover their skin's natural state and return their biome to it's most healthy condition. Modern day skincare consumption tells us that we need to stay in a constant state of stripping the skin and replenishing wiht unnatural materials. At Kossma, we believe in reducing use and returning to a simpler healthier skincare method

Bioidentical Progesterone Oil | USP Grade

Dhs. 112.00

Kossma's USP-grade Bio-identical Progesterone is sourced from wild yams that are converted into bio-identical progesterone. It is formulated with vitamin E and organic extra virgin olive oil to ensure maximum absorption.

Please note that we cannot legally advise on certain questions regarding how to use Progesterone like "can I use this while pregnant" or "can this replace my current medication" - please direct all health related questions to your medical provider. Thank you for understanding. Topical use only - do not ingest. 




Bio-identical progesterone, vitamin E, organic extra virgin olive oil.

Kossma's progesterone oil is formulated with careful consideration to enhance the potential benefits of progesterone, by including synergistic components such as vitamin E and olive oil. Here's a look at the science behind it: Vitamin E, being a fat-soluble vitamin, is known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support estrogen detoxification. When combined with progesterone, which also aids in detoxifying excess estrogen, this formulation may contribute to a potential reduction in excess estrogen levels, potentially leading to a stabilization and increase in natural progesterone levels in the body. The addition of olive oil is intended to improve the skin's absorption of this topical formula.


Disclaimer: Bio-identical progesterone is not classified as a supplement by the FDA, and therefore, there is no standardized dosing. Please consult with a medical doctor for personalized guidance on dosing and usage. This information is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician regarding any medical concerns or dosing questions.

For topical progesterone oil, the typical daily dosage ranges between 20-40 mg. We suggest starting with three drops, equivalent to 9 mg, and gradually increasing your dose up to 20-40 mg per day, maintaining this dosage throughout your regimen. Apply the progesterone oil topically to areas with thin skin, such as the inner wrists, inner arms, and inner thighs, rotating the application site for optimal absorption. Topical application only.

Each drop of Kossma's progesterone oil contains 3mg of bio-identical progesterone.

Cyclic Women:

For cyclic women (those who have a regular menstrual cycle), it's recommended to start bioidentical progesterone therapy in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation. This is often referred to as the luteal phase and usually begins around day 14 of a 28-day cycle. Women who have standard cycles, 27-30 days can start at day 14 (or after ovulation) and continue daily until your next menstrual cycle starts or 1-2 days before the new menstrual cycle starts. After the new cycle starts, stop the progesterone until the next luteal phase. Women with shorter periods, start at day 12 (or after ovulation) and stop when new menstrual cycle starts.

Natural progesterone levels rise after ovulation, so it's important to start progesterone after ovulation to follow the natural cycles of the body.

Non-Menstruating Women:

Unlike cyclic women, non-menstruating women don't have a menstrual cycle, so they may be prescribed a continuous dosage or a specific pattern that doesn't adhere to a menstrual cycle. Please see your health care provider for proper instructions based on your individual needs (breastfeeding women, pls follow instructions given by your healthcare provider)

Menopausal Women:

For menopausal women, hormone levels don't fluctuate in the same way as they do during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, progesterone might be taken continuously or in a cyclical manner, depending on your individual needs and what your health care provider recommends.


The statements made regarding our products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on this website or through our products is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician or other healthcare professional before using any product or beginning any health regimen. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The Kossma Promise.

Every supplement from Kossma is produced in a facility that is ISO certified and adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). To guarantee the purity and quality, all of our products undergo third-party testing. We utilize USP grade ingredients and take an additional step in quality assurance with a Finger Print ID test. In this process, the DNA of our supplements is verified to confirm their authenticity and ensure they match the claimed identity.

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews

This stuff is magical! No more hot flashes!


I noticed a difference in the first cycle I used this! Mood swings lessened.

Freya S
Helps with sleep and blemishes

I love this stuff! I’ve been in a period of high stress in my life and this has helped to keep my hormones more balanced and promote deep sleep! I also put it on blemishes if I’m the pop up to help the healing process along!

Good start

I've only used it once so far as instructed but did notice my cycle was not as heavy as normal and also fewer clots. My mood seemed more stable as well. I look forward to continue using to see what else balances out!

Great product

so far i like this oil, first month using and have noticed less breast tenderness and better mood